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Higher Education

Higher Education Discover Our Admission Requirements. Joining Icam after a Bac+2/+3 is possible !
Higher Education Icam offers a staggered start for its Bachelor International preparatory cycle A first staggered start to the new academic year to open the doors of engineering studies to baccalaureate holders
Higher Education Join the Digital Week at the Icam Strasbourg-Europe campus
Écologie intégrale These innovations are part of Corentin de Chatelperron's participatory science project. Urban biosphere : low-tech innovations developed by students
Higher Education Why do students highly recommend Icam? The Happy At School 2024 survey, conducted by ChoosemyCompany, recently gave the floor to thousands of higher education students to evaluate their experience. In this context, Icam students once again showed their enthusiasm. Icam : A school where it’s good to study !
Higher Education A hackaton for international bachelor students
Higher Education Completion of the project to design a radio-controlled and programmable boat that is self-sufficient in energy
DO NOT USE - Uncategorized Icam winners in the MEL’s Pépites competition
Higher Education Icam students in Toulouse offer sustainable housing to the homeless
Higher Education L'Étudiant cites Icam as one of the engineering schools offering internationally-oriented training. International prep school in the spotlight !
DO NOT USE - Uncategorized Since 2011, Icam's Strasbourg site has been committed to helping companies evolve their business models and make the digital transition. A Specialized Master© to meet the challenges of industrial digitalization
Higher Education The school scored particularly well on the criterion of professional integration. Icam 10th in Figaro’s post-bac engineering school rankings

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