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The 5 main profiles of the Icam engineer

5 main profiles developed in 13 learning outcomes


Cross-disciplinary Engineer

  • Icam engineers possess theoretical and experimental knowledge of wide scientific and technical fields that they use in conjunction with a capability to analyze and synthesize complex and multi-technology problems.
  • As a generalist, Icam engineers adapt to different technical and scientific fields, even if they are new to them. They are able to identify the different fields of knowledge present in a project, and interact with the relevant field specialists.
  • They exercise critical thinking to extract relevant information from monitoring tools. They reformulate and adapt  this information to the problem situation.
  • They master engineering tools and methods and possess numerical agility. 
  • They are able to conduct a scientific approach in a collaborative context, which is very useful in research and development.


Engineer of innovation and change

  • With a background in arts et métiers (generalist; practices in different industrial areas), Icam engineers use critical thinking and a practical approach to problems in order to design and develop solutions, systems and products.
  • They are capable of undertaking innovative work with a breakthrough thinking approach.
  • They combine a sense of concreteness, agility and creativity, capable of taking risks necessary to undertake and initiate change.


Complexity Manager

  • Icam engineers develop pilots and prototypes, while addressing all the related facets: customer needs, cost, quality, deadlines and change management. They keep in mind the company’s strategy and can be called upon for proposals and initiatives.
  • As a business manager, Icam engineers can manage teams with a view to collective success, respecting the common good and paying particular attention to health and safety issues in the workplace. They know how to mobilize their influence and position themselves accordingly in their professional environment.
  • They approach each individual with kindness, without preconceived ideas. Their communication skills and understanding of people and situations mobilize individuals and groups; they contribute to the development of each individual and to the dynamics of the team project.


Societal visionary thinker

  • Icam engineers take into account environmental and social impacts in their work, as per their motto:  “Think global, act local”. In doing so, they act according to the principles of integral ecology.
  • They practice the engineering profession, in English as well as in French, in intercultural situations: using their effective communication skills, their knowledge of cultural systems and their experiences during their training. 


Decision Maker

  • Icam engineers are thoughtful and give meaning to what they do. They discern, refine their desires, and identify values in order to decide and assume their professional, personal and societal choices. Icam engineers use this framework in a lifelong learning perspective.
  • They persevere until the end, ensuring that they are able to maintain their commitments at the level of the company, society and his personal life.