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New partnership signed with the American University of Science and Technology in Beirut

25 Sep 2023

After an initial meeting in Lebanon in February 2022, Icam welcomed Roger ACHKAR, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science at the American University of Science and Technology (AUST), on September 4 and 5. A Cooperation Agreement was signed as part of the visit, further strengthening Icam’s relationship with Lebanon.

This English-speaking partnership will enable 4th-year Icam students to take courses on the AUST campus, and 5th-year students to do a scientific research dissertation (MSR) in Lebanon. On a reciprocal basis, Icam Toulouse will welcome AUST students from the start of the 2024-2025 academic year.

The long-term aim is also to co-construct course modules, with the exchange of visiting professors and the sharing of scientific knowledge. This sharing represents real added value, enabling research professors to carry out projects on common themes, work on publications, and even co-supervise or co-direct doctoral theses, in conjunction with our researchers’ home laboratories.

A first meeting between Toulouse and AUST researchers will take place on October 30, via videoconference, to present their respective research projects in areas such as artificial intelligence, energy, mechanics and fluid mechanics.