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University cooperation in Cameroon : launch of the ValoFiBan project

7 Oct 2024

On September 9, 10, 12 and 13, 2024, partner universities in Cameroon, including the Ucac-Icam Institute, officially launched the 5-year ValoFiBan project, which is fully in line with a sustainable development approach.

ValoFiBan is a project designed to enhance the value of banana crop by-products by building capacity and supporting the development of a sustainable production chain for bio-based goods. The project was officially launched from September 9 to 13, with the participation of all project partners: the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique of the University of Yaoundé (ENSPY), the École Nationale Supérieure Polytechnique (ENSPD) and the Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion Appliquée (FSEGA) of the University of Douala, the Institut Ucac-Icam (Douala), the University of Liège, the University of MONS (UMONS) and HELMo Gramme in Belgium. An official ceremony was held at ENSPY, in the presence of the ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to Cameroon.

ValoFiBan project, for a circular and sustainable economy

The ValoFiBan project is fully in line with a sustainable development approach. By valorizing the by-products of banana cultivation, it contributes to reducing waste, preserving natural resources and creating new economic and social opportunities.
The project has multiple objectives:
– Strengthen research and development capacities in the field of bio-sourced materials in Cameroon.
– Develop a local production chain for high value-added bio-sourced goods.
– Create jobs and promote local economic development. Contribute to the transition to a circular economy.

The Ucac-Icam Institute, a stakeholder

ValoFIban Strategy Committee at the Ucac-Icam Institute

During the launch week, several days were devoted to the implementation of project result 3, namely capacity building in the design and manufacture of sustainable bio-based products at the University of Douala and the Ucac-Icam Institute. A strategic committee meeting was held on the Douala campus of the Ucac-Icam Institute, and the next stages of the project were defined. Research, product development, training, technology transfer, etc. will be at the heart of the various activities.
Institut Ucac-Icam will be taking part in the ValoFiBan project on the equipment design side, as part of MSI, to be implemented as of next year.
As a reminder, Institut Ucac-Icam contributed to the development of Fibers Fabric’s TERRAFIB project: mechanization of the pulp production process from plant waste (2018), recovery of banana fibers and implementation of a circular economy system (2020), design of a banana fiber cutting machine (2021).

A solid partnership for an ambitious project

The ValoFIBan project is based on a strong partnership between academics, companies and public institutions. This partnership will enable them to pool the skills and resources needed to achieve their objectives. The partners will work closely together to make ValoFIBan a success and help build a more sustainable future for Cameroon.