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Dual Degree Programs [DD]

Discover our Double Degrees!

Delivered with field experts and industry practitioners from all over the world, Icam’s Dual Degree programs offer the possibility to continue your education and either get Icam’s General Engineering Master’s Degree, or get specialized with our various Advance Master degree programs. The combination of technical and scientific training together with hands-on learning and internships will complete your engineering profile with the skills necessary to kickstart your engineering career.

These programs are possible under a specific agreement between your home university and Icam. They share the common ambition to promote bicultural engineers with a rich spectrum of skills.


Straight Master’s Loyola Icam College Chennai (LICET) / Icam

Icam’s General Engineering Master’s degree trains engineers ideal for either becoming self-proclaimed entrepreneurs or  valuable leaders or players within a company.  

Candidates with a Master’s in general engineering have increased operational skills. The generalist engineering training develops open-mindedness, adaptability, and critical thinking. These profiles are able to piece different elements of a puzzle together while having a bird’s eye-view of real-life situations. Used to complexity and different industries, general engineers can easily work in different industries and are able to reorient themselves and their careers to various environments.


IQS Master in Industrial Engineering / Icam’s Master in General Engineering

Students following the dual degree program between Icam and Instituto Químico de Sarrià (IQS) will have the generalist engineering foundations while having thorough knowledge in Industrial Engineering.  

Icam’s 2-year Master’s in General Engineering program will get you trained on the multidisciplinary engineering domains, carry out research, and work as an intern in one of our French partner companies (or at one of the companies in your home country).


FEI Industrial/Electrical/Mechanical Engineering / Icam’s Master in General Engineering

Students following the dual degree program between Icam and the Centro Universitário da FEI – Fundação Educacional Inaciana (FEI) will have the generalist engineering foundations while having thorough knowledge either in Industrial/Electrical/Mechanical  Engineering (depending on your specialization). 

Icam’s 2-year Master’s in General Engineering will ensure a holistic formation: you will acquire management and humanities exposure, while expanding your training to the multidisciplinary engineering domains. These skills will then be applied when you carry out research work for your Master’s Thesis, followed by hands-on experience as an intern with one of our French partner companies (although you can choose to do your internship in India or any other country).


ESIB Spécialité Génie civil ou Génie Électrique / Icam Ingénieur généraliste

En suivant ce programme de double diplôme entre l’Icam et l’Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Beyrouth (ESIB) vous aurez l’assise de l’ingénieur généraliste tout en ayant des connaissances approfondies soit en génie civil, soit en génie électrique.  

Après votre parcours de 4 années à l’ESIB, le master en ingénierie générale de l’Icam en 2 ans vous permettra de vous former dans les domaines multidisciplinaires de l’ingénierie, de faire de la recherche et de travailler en tant que stagiaire dans une entreprise partenaire française ou libanaise.

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