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Sociologists, philosophers, historians… invite themselves to Icam for season 2 !

25 Sep 2024

Come and experience an exceptional encounter with a great witness of the contemporary world ! For season 2 of the Icam Lectures 2024-2025, sociologists, philosophers, historians and politicians present four episodes on the themes of integration, democracy, living together and dialogue.

Les Conférences de l’Icam, season 2, kicks off on Monday October 14 at Icam, Nantes site in Carquefou. Four episodes are proposed during this year 2024-2025 :

  • Monday October 14, 2024, Stéphane Beaud, (sociologist), Still and always the integration of immigrants and children of immigrants in France : a historical and sociological perspective.
  • Monday, December 16, 2024, Philippe Queré, (parliamentary attaché), How to save democracy and its institutions ?
  • Monday, January 27, 2025, Pierre-Henri Tavoillot, (philosopher), Can we still live together ?
  • Wednesday, April 2, 2025, Roger-Pol Droit & Monique Atlan, (philosopher), Can we still talk to each other ?

First episode, Monday, October 14, 8 p.m. :

Thinking about the integration of immigrants and their descendants in France : a historical and sociological perspective

The recent European and legislative elections have once again put the issue of immigration back on the political agenda in our country.
Faced with the over-mediatization and over-politicization of what has been called “the immigration problem”, it is appropriate to objectively set out the fundamental contributions of the various social science SURVEYS on this subject.

The historical and sociological perspective will be presented in this lecture.

Born in 1958, Stéphane Beaud studied at the Institut d’études politiques de Paris. He was awarded the Agrégation in Social Sciences in 1985, and his work focuses on the transformation of working-class communities in contemporary France. Professor of Sociology at the University of Nantes, then at the University of Poitiers, at the École normale supérieure de la rue d’Ulm, then became Professor of Political Science at the University of Paris-Nanterre. He is currently Professor of Political Science at the IEP in Lille.

Stéphane Beaud is also an active member of the joint social science laboratory of the Ecole normale supérieure and the Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS).

Practical info :

Subject to availability, please register :

The guest’s 45-minute talk will be followed by a question-and-answer session. The event will conclude with a “pot de l’amitié”, providing an opportunity to continue discussions and discover the guest’s writings.


In partnership with La Joliverie, a secondary and higher education establishment in charge of Icam’s associated preparatory classes.