This research aims to combine, in the frame of industry 4.0, the use of new technologies such as Internet of Things, Robotics, Artificial intelligence, software tools with organisational, human and environmental aspects for increasing company performance.
In this sustainable transformation, a focus is made on ethics and governance of technologies, environmental and societal transition, work management and team cohesion.
Publication highlights
Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomasses Pyrolysis Using Thermogravimetric Analysis.
Aouled Mhemed H., Largeau J.F., Kordoghli S., Marin Gallego M., Zagrouba F. (2020) Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomasses Pyrolysis Using Thermogravimetric Analysis. International Journal of Biomass and Renewables , UTP Press, Level 3, Information Resource Centre (IRC Chancellor Complex), Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, 32610 Seri Iskandar, Perak, (hal-02881875⟩.
Development of a new framework for implementing industry 4.0 in companies
Dossou, P.E., (2019) Development of a new framework for implementing industry 4.0 in companies, PROMFG_30434 in Procedia Manufacturing, 38, 573-580, Elsevier.
Puissance de calcul, Force de l’emprise, Critiques de l’organisation augmentée
Ferguson, Y. (2020), Puissance de calcul, Force de l’emprise, Critiques de l’organisation augmentée, ERES, Nouvelle revue de psychologie, 2020/1, 29, 157-169, ISBN 9782749266664.
The crisis of a paradigm. A methodological interpretation of the Tohuku-Fukushima catastrophe
Lacassin, R., Lavelle, S. (2016), The crisis of a paradigm. A methodological interpretation of the Tohuku-Fukushima catastrophe, Earth Sciences Review, 155.
Dynamic modeling and controller design of a novel aerial grasping robot
Li, Z., Song, X., Bégoc, V., Chriette, A., Fantoni, I. (2020) Dynamic modeling and controller design of a novel aerial grasping robot, in the proceedings of ROMANSY 2020.