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Societal and technological transition of companies
Dynamic modeling and controller design of a novel aerial grasping robot
Li, Z., Song, X., Bégoc, V., Chriette, A., Fantoni, I.
Societal and technological transition of companies
The crisis of a paradigm. A methodological interpretation of the Tohuku-Fukushima catastrophe
Lacassin, R., Lavelle, S.
Societal and technological transition of companies
Puissance de calcul, Force de l’emprise, Critiques de l’organisation augmentée
Yann Ferguson
Societal and technological transition of companies
Development of a new framework for implementing industry 4.0 in companies
Paul -Eric Dossou
Societal and technological transition of companies
Kinetic Study of Lignocellulosic Biomasses Pyrolysis Using Thermogravimetric Analysis.
Aouled Mhemed H., Largeau J.F., Kordoghli S., Marin Gallego M., Zagrouba F.

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