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A hackaton for international bachelor students

Enseignement supérieurHigher Education
10 Jun 2024

At the beginning of May, students in the fourth year of the International Bachelor programme at the Icam Lille campus had the opportunity to complete their course by building a realistic prototype in three days!

The aim? Using local agricultural waste, the students had to come up with a concrete recycling solution for use in the construction industry!

Working in teams of 3 or 4 students of different nationalities (Congolese, Brazilian, Cameroonian and French), they had two days to create a prototype. They were accompanied during the ideation phase and trained on LiDD École de Design machines to give concrete expression to their inventiveness and the real impact of their project.

An international jury then awarded prizes to the best projects from our campuses in Lille, Recife, Quito, Grand Paris Sud and Kinshasa. Well done to them!

Thanks to our experts @Ahmed RHIAT for IOT, @Tiphaine RICHARD for materials, @Jean BERGER for facilitation, who worked with the students on this project.