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Research The Icam Grand Paris Sud site is taking part in the Tiers-lieu UGECAM Ile-de-France project on the methodology, evaluation and acceptability of new technologies. Students involved in UGECAM’s Tiers-lieu project for digital experimentation in healthcare
Ouest Lucas Marquez defends his thesis at the University of Liège
Research An Industry 4.0 project to increase the use of recycled plastics. Progress of the Recyplast-Démo research project with the Pays de la Loire Region
Icam Une tribune de Rabih Amaz, chercheur à l'Icam Strasbourg-Europe AI: let’s exercise young people’s discernment!
Research 3 new doctors for the Lille campus
Research [Research] An exceptional event at Icam Nantes in September ICCGS 2023
Research Researchers from all over the world gathered on June 7 and 8 at Icam's Toulouse site.  Icam International Research Days: a major event
Research Deployment of the Doctoral Training Unit (UFD) of the Ucac-Icam Institute
Research 8 June – 2IRD Registration
Research 7 & 8 June – Registration
Research New prestigious habilitation for research at Icam