Icam goes back to school with a bang !
20 Sep 2024
Once again this year, a large number of engineering students and apprentices have returned to or discovered the Icam campuses. A new school year punctuated by a number of highlights, all part of a renewed dynamic.
On all Icam sites, the teaching and administrative teams have welcomed the engineering students for a new year that promises to be rich in learning, sharing and discoveries.
A multitude of paths to the Icam, generalist and Arts et Métiers engineering diploma are offered, enabling each student to find “his” or her own path according to their profile, and to develop and mature their professional project during their years of training at Icam.
To each his own to become an Icam engineer
Students can choose from a range of preparatory courses:
> professional preparatory courses (associated BTS or BUT) with, for the start of the 2024 academic year, 80 students on the Lille site, 34 on the Grand Paris Sud site, 51 on the Bretagne site, 78 on the Vendée site and 55 on the Toulouse site;
> scientific preparatory courses (CPGE associées), with 105 students on the Lille site, 47 on the Grand Paris Sud site, 109 on the Nantes site, 113 on the Toulouse site and 27 on the Strasbourg-Europe site;
> international immersion prep (integrated prep), chosen by 58 students at the Strasbourg-Europe site;
> the International Bachelor’s degree (a cross-cultural program which, after four years, enables students to join the general engineering program as students or apprentices), which is booming, with 61 students at the Lille site, 19 at the Grand Paris Sud site, 23 at the Nantes site and 45 at the Toulouse site.
Icam also offers training at its Strasbourg-Europe site, leading to a specialized diploma in Industrial Digital Systems (SNI), under apprentice status. This year, the digital preparatory program (prépa intégrée) has 15 students, and the second SNI class has 27.
Last but not least, the Icam Production Schools, which offer very practical training courses for young people aged 15 to 18, are not to be outdone! They boast good first-year enrolments at all sites:
– for the Lille site: 32 students (12 in CAP Maintenance des Véhicules Automobiles, 11 in CAP Serrurerie, 9 in CAP Conducteur d’Installations de Production)
– Grand Paris Sud site: 12 students (6 in CAP CIP, 6 in CAP Electrician)
– for the Nantes site: 12 students in the electrician CAP program
– for the Vendée site: 5 students in CAP CIP in mechanics
– for the Toulouse site: 24 students (12 CAP CIP machinists and 12 CAP RCI boilermakers)
Back-to-school highlights
Every year, during the traditional integration week, various events are organized to welcome new students in the best possible conditions and enable everyone to share in the values that make Icam what it is.

Welcoming mass at the Nantes site
A number of highlights marked the start of the 2024 academic year, including a welcome mass at the Nantes site, an integration weekend at the Vannes and Toulouse sites, and several integration days at the Grand Paris Sud site featuring outdoor sports and team-building activities. The Strasbourg-Europe site celebrated the arrival of the second SNI class.
At the Lille site, an official ceremony was held to hand over the students’ equipment to the Production School. For engineering students, the week’s events included a conference to raise awareness of gender-based and sexual violence (GBV), a half-day volunteering program (including a visit to an Ehpad with the association “Une lettre, un sourire”), and a conference to present the DD&RS approach at Icam.

Start of the 2nd SNI class at the Strasbourg-Europe site
To welcome first-year learners to the campuses, discovery events were organized on all sites by the welcome offices. These events enabled students to familiarize themselves with their new environment and take ownership of their learning spaces. In addition, the company is implementing a proactive policy to promote student well-being, combining prevention and listening facilities, which was initiated two years ago in Toulouse, for example. In addition, the Icam values integration based on co-responsibility, with the aim of strengthening links between students, beyond their specific backgrounds.

Integration day on the Grand Paris Sud site