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Icam 10th in Figaro’s post-bac engineering school rankings

Higher EducationIcam
27 Feb 2024

Le Figaro Etudiant recently published its ranking of the best post-bac 2024 engineering schools, in which Icam came 10th, out of a total of 92 establishments. The school scored particularly well on the criterion of professional integration.

The ranking is based on 3 main criteria:

  • Academic excellence, through the school’s selectivity, the baccalaureate results of incoming students and the number of doctoral students supervised by the school’s researchers and teacher-researchers. Icam received a score of 14.4/20.
  • International, with the proportion of foreign students among graduates, those who have obtained a second degree, spent at least three months on internships or found their first job outside France. Icam is rated 14.2/20 on this criterion.
  • And finally, professional integration, taking into account the gross salaries without exit bonuses of graduates from the most recent intake, the proportion who found a job in less than two months, the size of the alumni network and the number of engineers graduating in the last three years who have set up a business. Here, Icam achieves a very favorable score of 17.3/20.


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