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Identifying educational opportunities with ChatGPT

Higher Education
16 May 2023

Rather than demonizing the ChatGPT conversational robot, a source of much concern in higher education in particular, Icam has decided to analyze the opportunities offered by this tool. The aim is to promote pedagogical interest among teachers and reasoned, critical and ethical use by students.

The first step in this process was to organize a conference on May 11, followed by a simultaneous discussion session on all Icam campuses. More than 150 teachers were able to demystify ChatGPT and understand how it works, its uses and its challenges.

The event was initiated by the Group’s IPN unit (Innovation Pédagogique et Numérique), which offers help and advice to teachers. Three Icam personalities, with complementary approaches and expertise, contributed to this event: Estelle Blavy, in charge of innovation and pedagogical coordination at Icam Strasbourg-Europe; Yann Ferguson, PhD in sociology at Icam Toulouse; and Cédric Bobenrieth, PhD in computer science at Icam Strasbourg-Europe.

Each brought his or her own expertise and vision of the subject to bear, addressing pedagogical, ethical and technical aspects. The environmental impact was also discussed, highlighting an indirect but significant carbon footprint. Practical tips were presented for teachers on how to better understand ChatGPT, adopt it and understand its usefulness in their teaching practice, as well as how to promote reasoned, critical and ethical use by students.

This conference is only the first step, as Icam plans to continue along this path by encouraging the creation of joint or site-specific projects, while respecting the normative framework defined by UNESCO.

A teacher and a student from Icam were invited to talk about this approach on ChatGPT, live on BFM Business on June 2.

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