Icam International Research Days: a major event
8 Jun 2023
Researchers from all over the world gathered on June 7 and 8 at Icam’s Toulouse site for the Icam International Research Days.
These days are the continuation of events previously organized every two years, enabling Icam’s French teaching and research staff to get together and compare their work. This year, the Days took on a major international scope: all Icam’s academic research partners were invited to join the Icam International Research Days, and the event itself was co-organized with IQS Barcelona.
Two very rich days
Participants were able to discover a large number of theses in progress at Icam’s French and international sites, in conjunction with other partners around the world. It was a fantastic opportunity to grasp the breadth of research work at Icam, to discover projects in detail, and to fully embody the intercultural reality that drives researchers on a daily basis (program of the days and theses presented available here). The second day, which brought together researchers and industrialists, was dedicated to the theme of “Space, aeronautical, nautical and terrestrial transport: a vision of the future”.
Research at Icam
Icam’s research vision is to promote and share scientific progress by ensuring the socially responsible transition of industries to new, environmentally-friendly technologies.
The common denominator of all projects is integral ecology, i.e. the search for innovation that is not at the expense of humanity and the environment. Progress is aimed at contributing to technological and social progress, focusing on the following three strategic research areas:
- Energy production, storage and management
- Innovative materials and structures
- Corporate social and technological transition