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Higher Education L'Étudiant cites Icam as one of the engineering schools offering internationally-oriented training. International prep school in the spotlight !
Entreprises Grands Partenaires Saint Louis Sucre took part in the Icam Entreprises Forum for the first time, and the experience was a 100% success. 14th Icam Entreprises Forum: Saint Louis Sucre wins over !
Entreprises Grands Partenaires A l'occasion de cet événement national, l'Icam a eu le plaisir de reconduire ses précieux liens avec mc2i (partenariat national) et Proginov (partenariat pour les sites de l'Ouest). Renouvellement de partenariats entreprises au Forum Icam Entreprises 2024
Nantes At just 18 years of age, Camille Pfaff, a first-year International Bachelor student on the Icam Nantes campus, is already sailing with confidence. Camille PFAFF: Navigating between top-level sport and engineering studies
Icam Business Forums in France and Congo! Business Forums in France and Congo!
Nantes Fol'Icam at the Solilab on the Île de Nantes Music and artificial intelligence on April 6.
Icam Among the engineering schools adapting their curricula to the challenges of the energy transition. Icam quoted in Usine Nouvelle
Strasbourg-Europe In today's working environment, quality of working life has become a major issue for companies concerned with the well-being of their employees. Promoting quality of life at work: the Icam Strasbourg-Europe initiative
Strasbourg-Europe Since 2011, Icam's Strasbourg site has been committed to helping companies evolve their business models and make the digital transition. A Specialized Master© to meet the challenges of industrial digitalization
Ecole de Production Airbus Développement commits to partnering with Icam toulouse campus to train the next generation of skilled workers
Higher Education The school scored particularly well on the criterion of professional integration. Icam 10th in Figaro’s post-bac engineering school rankings
Nantes Proginov renews its sponsoring at Icam