About us Study at Icam Student life at Icam Partner universities Company Research
Icam A bright and happy new year!
International First year at Ateneo University for fourth-year students (O3). Manila : implementation of the Bachelor international by 2025
Lille New service from Services aux Entreprises in Lille Decarbonizing companies: call on Icam!
Icam Celebrating 30 years campus and 20 years of the School of Production The Nuit des Audacieux at Icam Toulouse campus
Lille 3 new doctors for the Lille campus
Écologie intégrale A game that allows us to measure the concrete impact of our initiatives on the climate, in an enthusiastic way! 2Tonnes workshop for all Icam employees
Icam Chairman of the Grand Paris Sud site since 2015, he succeeds François Bouvard as Icam chairman. Damien Bouveresse, new Icam chairman
International 135 representatives from our 13 international campuses!
Icam Objectives achieved at the Nuit des Audacieux in Lille
International Cette victoire nationale lui ouvre les portes de la phase internationale début 2024. Douala: Uziel wins Orange Summer Challenge 2023
Icam Interview du directeur général de l'Icam BFM Business gives the floor to Gilles Vandecaveye.
International The Ucac-Icam Institute at SAPEF 2023, promoting French studies in Cameroon