Reuse and bio-sourced materials: the circular economy in construction and public works at the heart of ecological regional planning
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3 Oct 2023
Save the date !
Friday, November 10, at Icam site de Nantes,
35 av. du Champ de Manoeuvres, 44470 CARQUEFOU
8:30am – 3pm
Icam, the DREAL and the Pays de la Loire Region are organizing a technical morning dedicated to the conditions of use of biomaterials and reuse in the building and public works sector. The event is aimed at professionals and local authority staff.
As part of the ecological planning of territories, the use of reuse and bio-sourced materials are important levers for the ecological transition of the building industry. They should be promoted in local urban planning schemes, water development and management master plans, etc. They help reduce the consumption of natural resources, limit waste and improve the sector’s environmental impact.
The entire value chain of the construction industry is concerned by the 7 pillars of the circular economy, as defined by ADEME. The November 10 event will focus in particular on the “extended useful life pillar”, with re-use, and the “eco-design pillar”, with the use of bio-sourced materials. With the introduction of carbon impact assessment for buildings, the 2020 Environmental Regulations (RE 2020) provide additional leverage for reuse and biobased materials in this area.
And yet, are the conditions right today for the development of both reuse and the use of biomaterials in construction and renovation?
This is what we propose to find out through meetings, feedback and the thoughts of local players on the structuring of these sectors.
During the morning, you’ll be able to choose between two routes: a re-use route or a bio-sourced materials route (see program below):
8:30 – 9:00 am: coffee reception
9:00 – 9:30 a.m.: Round-table welcome plenary session:
Mr. Jean-Michel Buf, President of the Conseil National de l’Économie Circulaire, Regional Councillor in charge of the Circular Economy, Mayor of Blain,
Dreal des Pays de la Loire (person to be confirmed),
Ms Emmanuelle Ledoux, Managing Director of the Institut National de l’Économie Circulaire (National Institute for the Circular Economy)
Mr Guillaume Lefèvre, Director of Icam Ouest
Break: 11:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12 h – 12 h 45
From deposit to insured installation 12 h – 12 h 45
Biosourced and exterior insulation/renovation
Closing: 12h50-13h15 by Ms Emmanuelle Ledoux,
Managing Director of the French National Institute for the Circular Economy
13h15- Lunch on site