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Icam ranks 10th in Figaro’s 2025 post-bac engineering school ranking

16 Dec 2024

On December 11, 2024, Le Figaro Étudiant published its ranking of the best post-bac engineering schools in 2025. Icam is particularly proud of its 10th position, out of a total of 92 schools.

Each year, Figaro Étudiant’s post-bac engineering school rankings distinguish the best schools according to the quality of their teaching and academic rigor, their international outlook and the employability of their students in France and abroad. Icam’s 10th place in the 2025 ranking, like last year, confirms and underscores :

> The excellence of its training :
A generalist, multi-disciplinary and humanist training program, focused on CSR and integral ecology, which sets it apart from other schools, with a multi-faceted educational offering adapted to a wide range of profiles.

> An international outlook :
An international dimension in every one of our courses, in a variety of forms, and courses that give students a strong intercultural experience.

> The great professional success of its students :
An Icam engineering profile with strong values, able to adapt to rapid changes in its environment, and a diploma recognized and appreciated by employers. Icam particularly stands out on this employability criterion, with a remarkable score of 18.2/20 !

The ranking is based on several indicators according to three criteria (most of the indicators are built on the basis of CTI 2024 certified data) :

– academic excellence: the proportion of applicants to the school’s engineering programs on Parcoursup in 2023 not admitted by the school, the baccalaureate average of incoming students estimated on the basis of their honors, and the number of doctoral students supervised by the school’s researchers.

– international: the proportion of foreign students among graduates, the proportion of graduates from the most recent class with a job based abroad, those who have done an internship abroad and those who have obtained a second degree from a foreign institution.

– professional success: the proportion of graduates from the last graduating class who found a job in less than two months, the median gross annual salary (excluding bonuses, theses and VIEs) in France of graduates from the penultimate graduating class, the number of alumni on the school’s LinkedIn page one month before publication of the rankings, and the number of engineering graduates supported in setting up a business by an incubator over the last 5 years.

Icam obtained a total score of 16.8/20 and saw its overall results increase compared to 2024 :
– 15.4 vs 14.4 for academic excellence ;
– 15.1 vs 14.2 for international ;
– and finally, 18.2 vs 17.3 for professional success.

While the overall trend in the rankings is for grades to rise, these results show that Icam has done even better to maintain its place in the top 10 of post-bac engineering schools !