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Icam quoted in Usine Nouvelle

IcamIntegral Ecology
7 Mar 2024

The magazine ran an article entitled “The energy transition is shaking up engineering schools, which are adapting their curricula”, and Icam is cited as one of the benchmark engineering schools that are taking action on a daily basis, integrating sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (SD&CSR) concepts into the content of their training courses.

The article mentions, among other things, that over the next thirty years, France will need several thousand engineers specializing in nuclear power, bioenergy and green hydrogen. It also mentions the need for schools to keep pace with the transition, since, while it is underway, decarbonized technologies are not yet widespread (fossil fuels still account for over 82% of primary energy consumption, according to Ademe). The challenge for higher education is to meet the need for training in new energies and their storage, while ensuring the immediate integration of their students. The aim is for future graduates to be able to adapt. Guillaume Lefèvre, interviewed by journalist Jeanne Bigot, explains: “As we don’t yet know the jobs of tomorrow, we prefer to provide a systemic vision. We need to give our future engineers a scientific foundation and the tools to be ingenious and develop their profession“.

Icam, committed to an SD&RS approach, has already rethought all its training programs with the notion of “integral ecology” as a backdrop, in other words, enabling students to understand the environmental, social and economic issues at stake, while always placing the human being at the heart of the matrix.


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