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Icam on the front page of Figaro’s Réussites d’entreprises program !

29 Nov 2024

Watch the exclusive interview with Carole Marsella, Deputy Managing Director of Icam and responsible for coordinating the 7 Icam sites in France, and Gilles Vandecaveye, Managing Director of Icam, in the Réussites d’entreprises program on Friday November 15, 2024, broadcast on lefigaro.fr.

Carole Marsella and Gilles Vandecaveye are the guests of journalist Agnès de Tyssandier for a program devoted to “Icam, an engineering school on the move, committed to students and companies”.

The program focuses on Icam’s specific characteristics and values, its commitment to sustainable development and corporate social responsibility, the various courses it offers, including the International Bachelor’s degree and the Industrial Digital Systems diploma, its international development, its links with companies and its determination to remain very close to the business world in order to meet companies’ needs.

Réussites d’entreprises, with Carole Marsella and Gilles Vandecaveye, on the Figaro website (6 min.). I’m off !