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Integral ecology : two weeks of awareness-raising to take things further !

Grand Paris SudIcam
13 Nov 2024

For the first time, the Grand Paris Sud site has dedicated not one but two weeks to a wealth of activities around the theme of Integral Ecology. The aim: to provide students with all the keys they need to become committed players in a rapidly changing world.

Every year, since 2022, Icam’s 13 sites have organized Integral Ecology Week for 3rd-year students, focusing on a variety of themes such as biodiversity, energy, and the geopolitical and socio-economic challenges of climate change.
This year, two weeks of awareness-raising and action were offered on the Grand Paris Sud site, with a diversity of activities: themed courses (biodiversity, energy, climate change, etc.), debate workshops, discovery of local biodiversity during a visit to the “Ru des Hauldres” natural site, practical workshops, participation in the Openwaste Hackathon, etc.

Among the highlights, Corentin de Chatelperron (Icam Nantes alumni, class 106) gave a talk on “low-tech”. After 10 years spent experimenting, documenting and promoting these innovations around the world, Corentin is now exploring new ways of living more frugally, healthily and sustainably in a variety of environments, from the desert to the city. This conference was an opportunity for him to present and discuss his work with students, and in particular his latest adventure: the “low-tech” apartment.

Planning for action

The students also ran a practical “2Tons” workshop in the form of a fun serious game. Playing the role of a member of parliament or a decision-maker, each student had to project himself or herself into the year 2050, and choose individual or collective actions to reduce our carbon footprint and reach the 2 tonne CO2 equivalent target.
New this year : a student COP, also as part of a serious game organized by 4th-year students (for their class project). The 3rd year students were asked to slip into the shoes of diplomats from the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Their objective? To come up with concrete resolutions on current maritime trade issues. And all without betraying their national interests !

The aim, through these various actions, is to enable engineering students to project themselves in a positive light by being part of the solution. Students who continue to explore the theme of Integral Ecology transversally within their teaching, reflecting on current and future actions in the service of all.