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All Committed to Preventing Risky Behaviors !

19 Mar 2025

On March 17 and 18, 2025, a delegation of staff members and students representing our Icam campuses participated in the “Cpas1option” seminar. This annual event, bringing together nearly 80 institutions, is dedicated to risk prevention in student environments and raising awareness among higher education stakeholders.

The “Cpas1option” seminar, co-organized for the 12th consecutive year by CDEFI (Conférence des Directeurs des Écoles Françaises d’Ingénieurs), CGE (Conférence des Grandes Écoles), and BNEI (Bureau National des Élèves Ingénieurs), was held at ESSCA in Angers and gathered nearly 320 participants, including 18 staff members and students from Icam (Lille, Grand Paris Sud, Nantes, Vannes, La Roche-sur-Yon, and Toulouse).

The objective of these two days was to implement concrete and effective actions and exchange best practices on fostering well-being and preventing addictive behaviors, risky conduct, harassment, and gender-based and sexual violence (GBSV) within higher education institutions.

This year’s program included plenary sessions and workshops on alcohol and new drug addiction, event organizers’ responsibilities, student skill development, combating GBSV and hazing, and the link between mental health and addiction.

Reporting System and Support Units at Every Icam Campus

A key moment of the 2025 seminar was the signing of the “Cpas1option” charter by participating schools. This document serves as a guide for implementing a comprehensive strategy to protect students. By signing the charter, Icam reaffirms its commitment to prevention, a movement initiated in 2007 by CDEFI, CGE, and BNEI.

All our campuses are actively engaged in the fight against GBSV, each equipped with a dedicated support unit and specific provisions in their internal regulations. Each site has a reporting system and a structured policy for addressing gender-based and sexual violence. This strong commitment is part of Icam’s broader Sustainable Development and Social Responsibility (DD&RS) approach.

Additionally, at the start of the 2024-2025 academic year, a new edition of the “Cpas1option” guide was published. This guide compiles advice, tools, and best practices to support student life stakeholders in effectively implementing prevention initiatives.

A part of the Icam team present at the seminar.