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Higher Education Why do students highly recommend Icam? The Happy At School 2024 survey, conducted by ChoosemyCompany, recently gave the floor to thousands of higher education students to evaluate their experience. In this context, Icam students once again showed their enthusiasm. Icam : A school where it’s good to study !
Icam Devenir mécène de l’Icam
Icam Emulation is at the forefront of this first inter-campus Fablab challenge. PET challenge interfablab : plastic bottles transformed into filaments for 3D printers
Icam Une tribune de Rabih Amaz, chercheur à l'Icam Strasbourg-Europe AI: let’s exercise young people’s discernment!
Icam Interview about Low-Tech Icam in Maddyness!
Icam 100% digital Discover the Icam 2023 annual report
Icam Interview with Icam's Managing Director in StudyTalks Gilles Vandecaveye, guest at Studyrama
Icam Business Forums in France and Congo! Business Forums in France and Congo!
Icam Among the engineering schools adapting their curricula to the challenges of the energy transition. Icam quoted in Usine Nouvelle
Higher Education The school scored particularly well on the criterion of professional integration. Icam 10th in Figaro’s post-bac engineering school rankings
Icam A unique project, documented by Arte, in which students from Nantes and Grand Paris Sud create frugal innovations. Icam students collaborate on the Urban Biosphere
Écologie intégrale It sets the objectives and framework for action over the next three years. Icam’s 2024-2026 “Sustainable Development and Corporate Social Responsibility” plan validated, for a stronger commitment!