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Support from the Jacques Audureau Foundation in Vendée

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10 Jan 2024

The Jacques Audureau Foundation is committed to providing a total of €30,000 in financial support over three years, divided into €10,000 per year from 2023 onwards, for training activities at the Icam Vendée site.

The commitment of Jacques Audureau, a key captain of industry in the Vendée region and head of the Vensys Group, who passed away in the autumn of 2021, continues through the creation of the Jacques Audureau Foundation, administered by his daughter Annabel. The Foundation’s mission is to support access to education and training for young people and adults, thus promoting their integration or reintegration into the workforce in the Vendée region, an industrial area. Donations will be allocated both to the engineering school dedicated to apprenticeships, and to the Icam production school in Vendée.

Housed within the engineering school, the production school, created in 2017, welcomes young people aged 15 to 18 looking to learn a trade in a different way. Working in a workshop, carrying out orders from industrial companies, these young people train by “doing”, in 2 years, for a CAP in Production Plant Operator, thus meeting recruitment needs in so-called “short-staffed” trades in the department.

This support is a reminder of Jacques Audureau’s involvement with the Icam Vendée site, where he was Chairman of the Board of Directors from its creation in 1994 until 2018.

For Annabel Audureau, daughter of Jacques Audureau, in charge of the foundation: “The idea of a foundation that would continue to support young people on the path to training and professional integration, we had with our father Jacques. When we created our foundation under the aegis of the Fondation de France, he was no longer with us, but we gave it his name, “Jacques Audureau”, to mark our commitment to continuing our father’s work in the Vendée region to promote apprenticeships, which he said enabled young people to grow professionally, and to identify future talent for companies. It was therefore natural for us to think of Icam, which he had supported for many years, as one of our first corporate philanthropy initiatives.

This donation is received by the Fondation de l’Icam, Féron-Vrau. Recognized as a public utility since 1981, it can collect donations to finance social diversity initiatives, educational innovation and real estate projects that contribute to Icam’s mission.

On the left, the Icam teams around Claudy Bellion, Deputy Director of the Icam Vendée site; on the right, the Foundation teams, including Annabel Audureau.