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An unforgettable 2nd Nuit des Audacieux in Lille

13 Nov 2024

The generosity and atmosphere of this great evening of giving left a lasting impression! More than 200 people attended the second event, held on October 16, 2024.

Michel Leclercq, guest of honor

Company managers, alumni, friends, students, employees… everyone turned out to celebrate and encourage Icam’s dynamism at the second edition of the Nuit des Audacieux in Lille. The evening’s guest of honor, Michel Leclercq, founder of Decathlon and Chairman and founder of Humus, underlined the commitment of Icam engineers “who want to be useful to people”.

Thanks to the mobilization and generosity of participants, 256,000 euros in pledges were recorded to carry out projects of general interest and finance the development of human and scientific training specific to Icam. “It’s an opportunity to showcase projects that are close to our hearts” says Juliette Bocquet, an Icam engineering student and Performance L’Oréal work-study student. During the evening, all the projects, presented and pitched by employees and students, received incredible support.

Thank you to all our donors for making these projects a reality !

It’s still possible to give your support between now and the end of the year. To find out more and discover the projects, click here.

See also the aftermovie of the 2024 edition of the Nuit des Audacieux.