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Airbus Développement commits to partnering with Icam toulouse campus to train the next generation of skilled workers

Ecole de Production
29 Feb 2024

On Tuesday February 27, 2024, the Icam Production School at the Toulouse campus had the honor of hosting the visit of Airbus Développement President, Bertrand Gautier. This day marked the official launch of the tripartite sponsorship agreement between Airbus Développement, Airbus SAS, and Icam Toulouse campus, presided over by Eric Vigneras.

The signing of this agreement holds significant importance in the landscape of education and vocational training. It signifies Airbus Développement’s commitment to the development of young people in difficulty and their preparation for successful integration into the workforce.

The agreement stipulates that Airbus Développement will support the project of the Icam Production Schools, a unique initiative that combines education and vocational training by allowing young people in difficulty to rediscover the joy of learning through real orders from companies. This pedagogical approach of “learning by doing” is at the heart of the Icam Production Schools’ program.

The Icam Production Schools welcome young people aged 15 to 18 who have not succeeded in traditional schooling. Through practical and concrete training, these young people have the opportunity to develop their skills and obtain a diploma (CAP and/or Bac Pro), while gaining valuable professional experience.

During his visit to Icam Toulouse campus, Bertrand Gautier met with the students and teams of the production school. A long time was devoted to visiting the workshops, where fruitful exchanges took place on part production and the discovery of the machining convention park. The motivation of the young people was palpable, especially in the metalworking workshop where many were busy.

Discussions also focused on the partnership between Airbus Développement and Icam Toulouse. By supporting the Production School project, Airbus Développement contributes to training and preparing the next generation of skilled workers for employment. As a partner, Airbus Développement also provides access to its extensive network of partner companies, opening up new opportunities for graduates.

Bertrand Gautier encouraged the students to be active on LinkedIn to develop their professional network, emphasizing the importance of visibility in the modern workplace.

In conclusion, the visit of the Airbus Développement President to Icam Toulouse campus and the signing of the sponsorship agreement demonstrate the shared commitment to education, vocational training, and the professional integration of young people in difficulty. This partnership perfectly illustrates how companies can proactively contribute to creating opportunities and developing the next generation’s skills.