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Icam production schools: remarkable results at CAP 2023!

Ecole de Production
18 Jul 2023

Today we would like to highlight the excellent results achieved by our students from the Icam production schools in the Certificat d’Aptitude Professionnelle (CAP) exams a few days ago.

Practical teaching to promote excellence

Icam’s production schools are distinguished by their practical approach, which allows students to learn by doing. These schools are first and foremost a place of exchange and listening, where each young person is considered and supported towards success.

Students work on real orders, entrusted to them by companies, which enables them to gain confidence and know-how!

Outstanding results at the CAP

The latest CAP examination sessions were a great success for our production school students: 94.4% success rate in the CAP at all our Icam sites: Lille (CAP Serrurerie Métallerie and Maintenance des Véhicules Automobiles), Grand Paris Sud (CAP Conducteur d’Installations de Production), our sites in the West of France (CAP Conducteur d’Installations de Production in Brittany and Vendée, CAP Electricien in Nantes) and Toulouse (CAP Conducteur d’Installations de Production and CAP Chaudronnerie) which has the particularity of having received 3 free candidates: student engineers.

The remarkable results achieved by our students in Icam’s production schools on the CAP are the fruit of the commitment of the students, their teaching teams and the support of all our partner companies.

Thanks to these results, our students have excellent career prospects!

We wish them every success for the future, whether they go on to further study or enter the world of work.

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