Icam, intercultural school of engineering

Icam Research
Explore ResearchStudy at Icam in France
I am an incoming university student
Icam offers an innovative and international undergraduate program in General Engineering, based on an interdisciplinary and experience-based learning via the Parcours Ouvert.I am an undergraduate student
Icam offers the opportunity for students to explore various engineering fields through semester or year-long exchanges in the form of classes, professional workshops, research opportunities and internships.You are a postgraduate student
Hone specializations in different engineering fields through Icam’s advanced masters programs, doctorate and post-doctorate programs.Summer Program
Focusing on integral ecology which combines technical with environmental and social aspects of pressing global problems, Icam’s Summer Program showcases Icam’s pedagogy: workshops, experiential learning, industry exposure and internship.

Agenda campus
Icam in France and internationally
In France
- Strasbourg-Europe
- Nantes
- Vendée
- Bretagne
- Toulouse
- Lille
- Grand Paris Sud
- The Democratic Republic of Congo
- Equator
- Congo
- Cameroon
- India
- Brazil
French as a Foreign Language
Going beyond a simple language class, Icam’s French as a Foreign Language ensures complete immersion into the French culture by teaching language and grammar concepts while actively learning about French history, geography, and traditions.
Learn moreContact our international office
An international office spread across all campuses is responsible for promoting programs to students, teachers and staff, preparation for departure (choice of study program, visa, cultural preparation) and welcoming foreign students and faculty (accommodation, administrative procedures, integration into school, cultural integration, language courses).
Contact usDiscover our partner universities
Icam seeks to forge a very privileged relationship with its international partners. Our collaborations pursue three paths: - Student academic exchanges – 27 universities - Joint programs or dual degree programs – 12 universities - Research cooperation – 27 universities
Learn moreResearch & Icam
Applied research for industrial challenges
Icam's research activities are based on the expertise of our faculty members, who collaborate with local and international public laboratories, strengthening our commitment to scientific development each year through doctoral theses, research projects, and publications.
Icam key strategic research areas